
Attracting workers to North Dakota is essential in helping to meet the state’s current and future workforce needs. Internships provide a valuable way for students to make connections with businesses and identify career options in North Dakota. Operation Intern is designed to expand the number of internships, work experience and apprenticeship positions with North Dakota employers.

The program’s primary focus is employers in the state’s targeted industries: energy, advanced manufacturing, value-added agriculture, tourism and technology-based businesses, and autonomous systems. 

North Dakota businesses receive up to $5,000 in matching funds for the internships/apprenticeships. Funding can be used for items needed for the intern/apprentice to perform their internships, like wages, tools and equipment, essential training or tuition reimbursement. The funding is a one-to-one match.

Application Period is Now Closed!

The funding window will remain open. At this time ALL FUNDS allocated for this funding year have been applied for. If you still wish to apply, you will be placed on a waitlist in the event a grant recipient does not utilize their awarded funds for this program year.

Apply to Waitlist

To participate in the Operation Intern program, all applications must be submitted through the portal. You will be notified after the funding round closes whether you have been approved.  The maximum amount of Operation Intern funds an employer can receive is $25,000 per funding round or $50,000 per biennium. Employers will be limited to a maximum of 5 interns in each funding round. Each biennium has two funding rounds. 

Please review the Operation Intern Program Guidance, prior to submission of an application. Please utilize the portal for submission of the student enrollment application form, located under the Enrolled Employers section. 

Application review will be completed by the Work-based Learning Program Coordinator and reviewed by the Director of Workforce Development at the North Dakota Department of Commerce. A company’s eligibility will be based on qualifying industry and internship criteria. Funding will then be obligated to the companies that have met all guidance eligibility. Acceptance of applications can be reviewed until the allotted funding is fully obligated for a funding round. All applications will be considered and reviewed in the chronological order received. Once the applications received have satisfied that respected year's funding allocation, all remaining applicants will be notified of the funding window closure.

Attached is a "draft" template of the application.  This document cannot be utilized at the time of submission.  All application must be submitted via the portal.  

In Demand Occupation

If you are approved, your organization will be emailed a Letter of Agreement. A signed copy of the Letter of Agreement needs to be returned within two weeks of being notified of award.  A Student Application form should be submitted prior to request for funds. 

Any funds not used in this time frame will be released and added to the funding for the second round. 

For additional questions and assistance, contact Kerri Kraft(link sends email), Work-based Learning Program Coordinator, at 701-328-7263 or e-mail sends email).

Operation Intern Fact Sheet

Enrolled Employers

Forms and Requirements