
Find the Good Life Relocation Help Desk

The North Dakota Department of Commerce Workforce Development Division has implemented the Find the Good Life national talent attraction program.  The purpose is to improve awareness and showcase the best of life in North Dakota with the ultimate goal of motivating jobseekers and families to discover their journey to the state.  

The Find the Good Life website includes information about all things North Dakota including, things to do, healthcare, education and job opportunities within the state.  

Individuals looking for further resources and information are invited to seek personalized assistance by signing up on our relocation help desk. There they can request to be connected to Community Champions, real life North Dakotans, excited to share resources and their experiences living and working in the state.  Interested in becoming a community champion?  Contact Sara Sperling to learn more about getting involved.  

Become a Community Champion Today

The media for this campaign targets the personas: boomerangs, young families, recent college graduates and veterans.  

Find the Good Life has the following toolkit to help our partners implement the state’s initiative locally.   

Find the Good Life Toolkit


Interested in using the Find the Good Life logo in your marketing or hiring efforts? Please click the link below.

Request FTGL Logo
