Application Period is Now Closed!
Purpose: The Main Street Initiative (MSI) Vibrancy Grant Program supports local efforts to increase community vibrancy by providing seed funding for a small project that will build momentum and inspire additional projects. Community vibrancy improves quality of life, helps attract and retain workforce, and enhances community pride.
Mission: The Department of Commerce leads the efforts to attract, retain and expand wealth and improve the quality of life for the people of North Dakota. The Main Street Initiative, housed in the Department of Commerce, supports local efforts to develop a healthy, vibrant community with smart, efficient infrastructure that will attract and retain a 21st Century Workforce.
Program Objective: Any community in North Dakota could benefit from adding a spark of activity and energy to a part of your community. Whether your community wants to add public art, activate underutilized space, or promote walking and biking, this program may interest you. By starting small and supporting an initial community vibrancy project, this grant program can inspire others in your community to engage and contribute to community vibrancy, improving quality of life for visitors and residents.
What Type of Projects are Eligible? The Main Street Vibrancy Grant Program will support the following projects:
- Public Event
- The event funded with this grant can be ongoing (i.e. annual) or a one-time event.
- If used for an existing event (i.e. annual street fair) applicant must explain how this event will be different from previous events.
- Public Art or Cultural Celebration
- Example: art in the park event, creation/updating public mural, musical performance, local theater production.
- Activating Underutilized Space
- Example: turning a vacant space into a small park (parklet), adding plants or trees, adding benches or upgrading lighting.
- Community Gathering Space
- Having a space where community members can gather for events and conversations, especially if centered around food, can be a vital element of vibrancy.
- Private businesses are not eligible to receive funding. The recipient of funds must be a not-for-profit or public entity or facility.
- Example: upgrade or expansion to existing community hall or community/not-for-profit cafe, restaurant, or grocery store.
- Promoting Active Transportation
- Example: painting temporary bike lanes, adding decorative cross walks, adding lighting to walking spaces, making a walking path interactive or interpretive.
- Mitigating the Impact of Vacant or Deteriorated Infrastructure in a Public Area
- Many communities have at least one building or lot that is in disrepair. While it can be expensive to tear down or renovate buildings, there may be creative things your community can do to mitigate the potential negative impacts.
- Private businesses are not eligible to receive funding. The recipient of funds must be a not-for-profit or public entity or facility.
- Example: paint the windows of an empty building, fix up the façade of a vacant storefront.
- Other
- Does your community have a great idea for a small-scale vibrancy project that isn’t included on the list above? Give it a shot! Explain your project and how it will bring vibrancy to your town.
Matching Requirements: This grant requires a community match, and all grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Matching dollars cannot be from other State of North Dakota funds. Match requirements vary by community.
- Non-Main Street Community: a 1:1 match is required (100% of the requested amount must be matched); 100% of the match must be financial.
- Example: $3000 total project = $1500 Vibrancy Grant + $1500 community cash match
- Main Street Community: 100% of the requested amount must be matched by the community; 50% of the match can be in-kind.
- Example: $3000 total project = $1500 Vibrancy Grant + $750 community cash match +
$750 local community in-kind allowance
- Example: $3000 total project = $1500 Vibrancy Grant + $750 community cash match +
- Main Street Champion Community: 100% of the requested amount must be matched by the community; 75% of the match can be in-kind.
Example: $3000 total project = $1500 Vibrancy Grant + $375 community cash match +$1,125 community in-kind allowance
Match funds are required to be recorded and submitted for approval at the time of reimbursement. Match funds can be allocated from any private or public source and in-kind contributions will be considered. Pledges for future donations will not be considered part of a cash match.
Eligibility: Not-for-profit community organizations are eligible to apply as are local political entities. Non-governmental entities must be registered with the North Dakota Secretary of State’s office to be eligible to receive funding.
Activities in the outlined budget must not have commenced prior to grant approval or submission of application for grant.
Contact Anya Hondel - Community Development Coordinator for questions (701-328-5401).