- Promotes and supports free programs that serve adults who are at least 16 years of age; are not enrolled or required to be enrolled in a secondary school under State Law; and who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills; do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; or cannot speak, read, or write the English language.
- Services available in each Adult Learning Center include reading/writing, science, social studies, math, and other basic academic skills, English Language acquisition for adults, workplace and career planning and readiness, various academic assessments, and GED test preparation.
- Integrated Education and Training (IET), as defined by WIOA, is being implemented at some of our sites; a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation for educational and career advancement.
Public Instruction
Population Served
Adult Education Centers
Adult Learners
American Indians
Disabled Individuals
Incarcerated Individuals
Job Seekers
Justice-Involved Individuals
New Americans
Implementation Type
Direct Services to Participants
Education Program
Grant Program
Technical Assistance
Training Program
Workforce Theme
Addressing the Technical Skills Gap