
Application period is now closed!


The Rural Slum and Blight Removal Grant supports local governments and/or non-profit organizations in addressing dilapidated and blighted properties and/or facilities in rural areas.


The Department of Commerce leads the efforts to attract, retain, and expand wealth and improve the quality of life for the people of North Dakota.

Program Objectives

  • Increase the availability of development ready properties in rural North Dakota.
  • Improve the quality and safety of communities.
  • Improve vibrancy of communities by eliminating slum and blight.
  • Encourage partnerships and collaboration between local organizations, businesses, and government entities.
  • Foster community development and revitalization efforts in rural regions.


The Slum and Blight Removal Grant may support the following types of grants to non-profits and/or local governments in North Dakota:

  • Eligible Entities – City, County, Economic Development organization (JDA, regional Councils, EDC, CVB) and local tribal entities 
  • Eligible Activities
    • Purchase and removal of blighted properties
      • If applicant does not own the property at the time of applications, must have a purchase agreement.
      • Must present plan for future use of rehabilitated lot.
    • Remove hazards or rehabilitate structures from blighted properties
    • Up to $10,000 per business or improvements if the business is located in a mixed-use property

*Any rehabilitation costs after blight removal will be applicants responsibility.

How much funding is available? Up to $300,000 per community

*Rural shall be defined as any community or region, based on the application, with a population of less than 10,000. 

Matching Requirements

Matching funds are encouraged but not required.

Rural Slum and Blight Guidance

Rural Slum and Blight Application Questions

Applications are submitted via the portal only.  

Please contact Anya Hondel, Community Development Coordinator with any questions.