Thursday, August 17, 2023 - 02:45 pm

Katie Ralston Howe, Workforce Division Director at the North Dakota Department of Commerce, has been elected to the National Association for State Liaisons for Workforce Development Partnerships executive committee, marking the first time that North Dakota has had representation at this level.

“I’m honored to have been selected as our association’s new vice chair and I’m excited to serve alongside our new chair, Deniece Thomas, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development. In my role, I hope to be a strong voice for rural states which face unique challenges and opportunities within the federal workforce system.”

In this role, Ralston Howe will continue serving on the association’s executive committee which mentors new state workforce liaisons and directors, develops programming for association members and state workforce board chairs, and guides the association’s views on proposed policies and programs that impact workforce development in every state.

The National Association of State Liaisons for Workforce Development Partnerships is an affiliate of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. It provides a national forum for those implementing workforce development programs to exchange information, ideas, and best practices to maintain and improve workforce development initiatives. More information can be found at


The North Dakota Department of Commerce works to improve the quality of life for North Dakota citizens by leading efforts to attract, retain and expand wealth. Commerce serves businesses and communities statewide through committed people and partners who offer valuable programs and dynamic services.