Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 02:00 pm

The North Dakota Department of Commerce announced today that six recipients were awarded $20,000 to complete feasibility studies as part of the Rural Food Sustainability Grant's Component 1.

The Rural Food Sustainability Grant Program is dedicated to boosting food access, sustainability, and economic development in rural communities. This program supports sustainable grocery services, food access, and the growth of rural food availability. These partnerships help aggregate, store, and distribute food in rural areas, addressing unique challenges.

"Commerce is committed to enhancing wealth and quality of life in North Dakota," says Emma Cook, Community Development Liaison for Commerce. "The program aims to strengthen local food systems, improve grocery supply quality, encourage local partnerships, support innovative solutions, foster rural community development, and promote economic collaboration."

Recipients include:

  • City of Milnor 
  • Pembina County JDA 
  • Enhancing and Strengthening North Dakota Nonprofits & Communities (DBA Strengthen ND)
  • City of Butte 
  • Hazelton Development Corporation (HDC) 
  • Economic Development at City of Casselton 

We will be opening up this grant again in early 2024 and will include component 1 (feasibility studies) and component 2 (implementation dollars).

For further details, visit ndgov.link/RuralFoodGrant.