
Row of similar houses in a new neighborhood

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides financial assistance to eligible units of local governments in the form of grants and loans for public facilities, housing rehabilitation and economic development projects. The primary beneficiaries of these projects must be very low and low income individuals. Examples of projects funded by CDBG in the respective emphasis areas are:

  • Housing - housing rehabilitation of very low and low income homeowner units and rental units within a particular area.
  • Public facilities - water and sewer projects, removal of architectural barriers, fire halls, ambulances, etc.
  • Economic development - cities and counties receive funds to loan/grant to businesses which create jobs for low income persons.

Eligible projects must also be consistent with at least one of the program's national objectives:

  • Benefit low and moderate income persons.
  • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight.
  • Activities designed to meet community development needs having a particular urgency.

Program Statements

2024 CDBG Program Distribution Statement

2023 CDBG Program Distribution Statement

2022 CDBG Program Distribution Statement 

2021 CDBG Program Distribution Statement

2020 CDBG Program Distribution Statement

FY2020 Substantial Amendment



Additional Resources

CDBG Administrative Manual - Assists grantees in implementing their respective grants in complying with federal regulations. 

CDBG Guide to National Objectives and Eligible Activities - Provides information on national objectives and eligible activities for the State CDBG program. It also provides an overview of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.

Citizen Participation Plan (SFN52662) - Provides the citizens of North Dakota with the opportunity to participate in the planning and preparation of the Consolidated Plan. 

Section 504/ADA Technical Assistance Handbook - Required for new applicants and removal of architectural barriers applications.

Consolidated Plan

ADA 504 Self Evaluation Guide Follow the steps "Ready to take action?"

CDBG Presentation at ND League of Cities - June 2, 2022

Environmental Review Training


North Dakota Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Overview Video Series

Video Series