
AmeriCorps engages more than 80,000 Americans in intensive service each year at nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups across the country. Its programs do more than move communities forward; they serve their members by creating jobs and providing pathways to opportunity for young people entering the workforce. 

AmeriCorps involves people of all ages and backgrounds in helping communities address critical needs in:

  • Education
  • Clean Energy and Environment
  • Healthy Futures
  • Veterans
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Disaster Services

Looking for ways to find assistance with helping others, strengthening communities and civic engagement? Consider reaching out to volunteer service organizations – research the great options available in North Dakota and throughout the United States.

AmeriCorps is a program of the U.S. federal government engaging adults in intensive community service work with the goal of "helping others and meeting critical needs in our communities."


Opportunities for Volunteer Grant Application Peer Reviewers

Join other professionals and serve in your community by becoming a volunteer grant application peer reviewer for the AmeriCorps program in North Dakota. Your expertise and working knowledge is a valuable tool in helping to select high quality programs for funding. For more information contact the North Dakota State Commission on National and Community Service at 

Why would you want to be a reviewer? This opportunity will help you learn more about the grant-making process, develop your own grant-making skills, and you will learn about what is happening in National Service programming in North Dakota.

Don't think you have enough time? Grant reviewers will read and score grants on their own time during the month of March. AmeriCorps grant applications are only 12 pages in length and grant reviewers are typically assigned only 5 to 8 grant applications to read and score.

Don't think you have enough experience? Grant reviewers will be given an orientation on reviewing and scoring. The North Dakota State Commission staff will also be available as a technical resource during the review and scoring period.

Americorps Fact Sheet